Monday, June 26, 2006

When I stand by the Ocean. . .

In Memory of Margaret Ellen Wilson
April 3, 1931-June 27, 2005

When I stand by the Ocean

When you are gone

How will I remember you?
Of all the times we have known

We have thousands of days to review
But water and spirit
Will fill my mind and heart
Will take my thoughts to you
Even after we part

When I stand by the ocean

I will remember you
Cause every mother's an ocean
The source of all life it's true

And life is eternal
Transcending all of the pain
Makes everything new
So when I stand by the ocean
I will remember you

Every day
I'll see you again
I'll look at this little girl with
Dark eyes and her grandmother's chin
I'll miss you each day
But what you have given
Lives beyond your years
And begins again

When I stand by the ocean
I will remember you

Cause every mother's an ocean
The source of all life it's true
And life is eternal

Transcending all of the pain
Makes everything new
So when I stand by the ocean
I will remember you

What spirit world we go to I surely don't know
I know that the waters will run, your line will last, the rivers will flow
Life will go on like a seed that's planted, it will surely grow
Every drop you have fed to my life
Will flow to the ocean, the waters, the waters will flow

When I stand by the ocean

I will remember you
Cause every mother's an ocean
The source of all life it's true
And life is eternal

Transcending all of the pain
Makes everything new
So when I stand by the Ocean
I will remember you

Friday, June 23, 2006

That Former Place of Faith.

Any of you that are regular readers, or who know me from other places in the real world or on the web, know that I ama seeker. .. one who is questioning the nature of God, religion, etc. I refer to myself as a "skeptic", which may be accurate, but I think that "Seeker" is a more appropriate term.

One of the things that I try to do on a regular basis, is to take inventory about where I am and how I got here. . .at this time, I am particularly looking at religion, and where I have been in the past. I have done an enormous amount of study, and with each question I ask, I find, not answers, but MORE questions. My parting with the church of Christ was not an amicable one, and while my behaviors and the nature of my departure cause a significant amount of alienation, it is the QUESTIONS that were at the heart of my "loss of faith".

Lately, as alot of the anger and pain directed towards the c of C has been receding, as the resentment that I once held towards that particular group is giving way to tolerance and acceptance of them as individuals, I am still left with the questions. . .the questions regarding the bible, the church, Jesus, and God that have not gone away. Where do I go to get these answered? Many of my former mentors, who are still faithful adherents, fail to return my correspondences. Most of the christians that I come in contact with on the web are fragile enough in their faith that they can't even entertain my questions and percieve them as attacks on their way of believing. Many other friends, both on and off the web, share my questions, and are unable to direct me to a place of faith.

I have been told by many, that faith is simply a leap that one has to take. A decision that one makes to believe without proof. I can certainly accept that, but what I am troubled with, is how does one return to that former place of faith, after the questions are already OUT there? Once the Pandora's Box of critical thinking is opened, it seems impossibile to put all of those questions away.

Where are my former mentors? Where are the Scholars, Elders, Teachers, and Preachers who once took so much time and care, lovingly guiding me? Who can help me to answer these questions? WHo can help me to understand how these educated and honest men reconcile these questions for themselves?

Who can help me to understand if I can ever return to that fomer place of Faith?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Little Man!!!!

I will never forget,
feeling your heart
beating like thunder
You, two minutes old, squinting
Drinking in the light,
as if it were bitter
yet warming, like coffee.

Now, as you grow
finding new conquests with each day
I still remember how I cried
hearing your breath
feeling your heart
beating like thunder

Monday, June 05, 2006

greets folks!!!

I am currently participating in a brand new discussion board designed to address issues related to philosphy and religion. Though I, and the other moderators are skeptics, we welcome participants of all faiths to help to enrich our lives and to help us to formulate and articulate our beliefs. The board can be found at : Forum Index

Be advised that this discussion board adresses some hard questions, and while we are not meaning to be irreverant, many of the questions that are asked may be veiwed by some as sacreligious or heretical. No disrespect is intended, but we are seeking to get to the heart of what we beleive, and this will nto be a bash on the religious discussion board.

I wanted to ask folks to stop by, check it out, and participate. Please participate with us for our mutual edification!

Thanks so much!