I don't think I had realized what a hard year 2005 had been until the past couple of weeks. Moving, setting up house, restructuring a daily routine has truly reinforced to me how unmotivated and lethargic I had been last year. Things had been in absolute chaos between a move, my mother's death, processing alot of the feelings and ideas from my departure from organized religion, and having a new baby. I tend to be a bit anomolus in the way that my depression manifests itself, as I generally have very few of the affective symptoms of depression, save for some periodic irritablity, but the PHYSICAL symptoms (lethargy, fatigue, sleeplessness, etc) become fairly profound. I can feel "happy" and have all of the cognitive processes that go with that, while still have alot of the physical symptoms. A change in routine, a new home, and a tweak on my medicine has gotten me back on track, and I AM starting to feel alive again, realizing how hard last year was at the same time.
I guess i should consider myself lucky. . .as I am able to address alot of the issues without the insufferable helplessness and hoplessness that alot of people experience, so i guess i shouldn't complain.
Alright, so here we
are, back alive again, interactive, functional. . .the new house is BEAUTIFUL and we are loving every minute of it. There is not a morning that goes by where at least one of the kids has not looked at me and gone "I love this new house." I do too. Kimberly does too. We have finally gotten all of the moving in stuff done (the upstairs bathroom needs a little attention) and I am getting ready to move ahead on the new recording project.
The kids are all good. . .Thomas the Tank engine is the flavor of the week. . .which is far and away preferrable to teletubbies (which, thank GOD is their choice over Barney. . .there I have to draw the line of tolerance for banality).
The baby has gotten teeth already. . .our "little" Sofia, who remains off the charts in hei
ght and weight, says she needs to start eating. . ."i have teeth now, so give me a turkey sandwich" For the time being, we are limiting it to some vague experimentations with oatmeal. She is lioving the new house too. . .having to share a room with her SISTER is better than with Mom and Dad.
All right. . .coming up. . .some possibly before the end of the day: "The Spirit Tree", thoughts on the meaning of the ressurection archetype, my thoughts regarding immigration, and others.
Thanks for haning with me. . .
THERE, does my blog suck a little less NOW?