Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Red-Tailed Hawk

About a month ago, we started setting out birdseed in a pan for the neighborhood birds and squirrels. . .ever since our Cat ran away, in october, it seemed that it would be safe for us to attract small wildlife to eat, rather than to be eaten. It has been an enjoyable time and the kids remain VERY excited. . .we are starting to be able to distinguish the individual birds and squirrels by their size and markings.

Now, any ecologist knows that when you start a food chain with the bottom, there will eventually come something to sit at the top.

We pulled into the driveway this morning from an outing, and what should we see, but a medium sized red-tailed hawk (note: this is NOT a picture of the actual bird. . .he was spooked by the sound of the sliding door when I went out with the camera) He flew up into one of the branches of our trees and perched for about 10 minutes, while we got groceries, etc inside. I was pretty excited, but that is NOTHING compared to the delight and Joy of my Olivia, who has been fascinated by Birds of Prey for several months now. It was hard to get her to lay down for a rest, as she kept taling about "My Hawk" and wanted to see if he had come back, wondering where he was, and wondering if she could see him out her window. I assured her that he was off hunting somewhere else, because the songbirds had come back into the yard ("And the Squirrels?" Possum adds. "Yes, and the Squirrels, Possum". "And the Chipmunks?" "Yes, Possum, and the Chipmunks")

I personally love the songbirds and rodents. . .but I will admit, that I hope the hawk nests.

God, I hope he nests.


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