Thursday, December 29, 2005

Baby Insomniac

I am failing to understand what is SOOOOOOOO exciting about the wee hours that fascinates this baby girl so much. Now, don't get me wrong, as a new father, I fully expect to have 3 am feedings and diaper changes. I have been enormously lucky in that ALL of my children have started sleeping through the night at an early age (the latest was 10 weeks). I have been fully prepared to have my luck run out before everything was said and done and have one who continued to wake nightly. This is all, in my mind, part of being the parent of an infant.

Having said that, I will say, that between the hours of 2 and 4 AM, there is NOTHING earth shattering and exciting going on. Hell, there is not even anything good on TV. That is, however, what Sofia wants to do. . .watch TV. I know this, because when the TV is turned off, she fusses and cries. Keep in mind, this is after a bottle, after a fresh diaper change, after an hour of snuggling, playing, rocking, burping, etc. This is a child who wants to have the TV on. Last night, we watched a Harry Potter movie for the millionth time. Night before, we saw an A & E Biography on Cat Stevens/Yusef Islam. Before that, it was the edited for TV version of "Die Hard with a Vengance" (edited for TV it was about 7 minutes long) This child is a three week old insomniac couch potatoe.

I shall surely punch her. God forbid Nick at Nite starts showing reruns of Happy Days. At least with all 300 channels on cable, i am NOT doomed to watching "Elimidate" or "The Jerry Springer Show". If that were the case, I would have to bribe the pediatrician for the infant equivalent of Lunesta.

I say all of this, not to complain. . .I LOVE my baby girl, even at 4:15 AM. I say this to let you know that if i seem a bit incoherent at times, you understand that it is a combination of sleep depravation and Cosby rerun overdose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I shall surely punch her?"

interesting parenting style.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you big softie


5:37 AM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

well, ok. ..maybe not punch her per se. . .in fact, last night was much better. . .but Kimbery and I decided to take turns on which NIGHT to get up with her rather than taking turns getting up during the same night. . .so, instead of her getting up at 2, me getting up at 5, one of us gets up every time and the other of us sleeps. last night was the second night of that, and we both feel nearly human!

9:47 AM  

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