Friday, November 11, 2005

"Daddy, Come LOOK at this!!!!!"

We are fortunate in our house to have a screened in back porch, where in warmer weather, the children are able to play. Possum and Olivia use this as a place to color, or build with blocks, or play toys, or read, and regularly have lunch out there.

Recently, they have become fascinated with the sun and the moon, birds, airplanes, helicopters, and anything up in the sky. I frequently am called out to the porch to identify some sort of flying creature or vehicle.

On wednesday evening, it was unseasonably warm (we have been enjoying our "Indian Summer") and the kids went out to play. As Possum (my 3 year old) went out, he GASPED, and Yelled "DADDY!!!!! Come look at THIS!!!!! Up in the SKY!!! You HAVE to SEE!!!!"

I went out onto the porch and looked in the direction he was pointing. This is what I saw:

I realized that I was able to experience my son's first REAL sunset. . .that is the first time that he discovered this particular sort of beauty and majesty of the world around us. We stood there for a good long time. . .soaking it up. . .talking about the colors and he kept saying "It's SO beautiful!".

It was one of those peak moments: Being able to discover beauty anew through the eyes of my child.


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