Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Our Halloween Adventure!!!!

Follow this link to a page detailing the wonderful exploits of my family and I on our special Halloween last night. . .


Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next few weeks!!!


Blogger Brie said...

definitely an interesting halloween!

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why are you asking for prayer when you have stated that you are not a Christian? who or what would we be praying to?

best of luck to your wife on the delivery of your next child.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

Fair enough question, masked man. There is nothing to fear here from honest questions, so please feel free to post a name next time you are visiting!

Just because I do not believe in the Bible as "God's Word" does not mean that I do not believe in God, or some supreme power. Likewise, I DO believe that there is benefit to be had when one person, of good intention, is expressing good thought to the Divine on behalf of someone else.

Feel free to spend more time booting around the site, I am sure that if you read and listen with an open mind, you will get a little better understanding of what I believe.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I accepted your invitation to look around, but it seems that you are not even sure what you believe. You have created a belief system for yourself where you can believe one thing today, and if it suits the situation you can change it tomorrow. I'd encourage you to commit to a belief system, no matter what it is. Best of Luck to you and your growing family.
-Masked Man

11:36 AM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

Some prefer the term agnostic, but i tend to prefer the term "skeptic". It is true that in the area of "God" and "Religion" I remain convincd of VERY few absolutes. It seems to me that it is better to be honest about one's uncertainty than to create and maintain an illusion of certainty. An illusion of certainty is STILL uncertainty.

That does NOT mean that I do not have beliefs, I am simply honest regarding what I am unconvinced of . . .what you refer to as "changing my belief to suit the situation" is actually remaining fluid and open. . .It is about continuing to grow rather than remaining stagnant. I need to rigidly attach myself to a belief system when I remain unconvicned like i need a broken neck. I am sure that you can relate to that.

Regardless, I appreciate your care and concern. . .Sincere well wishes are ALWAYS a good thing.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gave up on trying to convince people to believe like me a long time ago. I have checked out your blog, and thomasjwilson.com and it seems like you have a lot of good things to share, but you also have a lot of pain and crap in your life. Did you acquire those things on your own or do you give credit for your talents, family, ect. to something bigger than yourself? When you look at your past pains: loss of your mother, your ex-wife sleeping with her therapist, etc. do you think that all happened by chance or is there an evil force working too? Do you feel called to forgive? pray? let go?

In some of your posts, you sound so happy, and yet in others you sound so hurt and angry. Is there a power greater that you that controls your life, or is it all based on your choice?

The Masked Man

1:35 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

Masked Man,

Of course I sound happy, and of course there are parts that are angry and bitter. . .that still carries scars. . .isn't that what being a person is all about? It is all about being REAL. . .I KNOW that there is still alot of pain and anger in my heart that I will , one day, grow beyond. . .but to deny that I am THERE NOW plants the seed for all SORTS of problems. . .nah. . .denial is not a good thing. . .honestly evaluating is. . .i ackowledge that I can be a horses ass at times, and have been. . .to deny that would prevent me from being able to mature and grow.

Who knows how long that will take?

As far as "good and evil" and the source of "good and evil" yeah, i tend to believe that there ARE sources of that. . .i certainly can't take credit for all of my "victories" on my own. . .but likewise, i can't blame all of my tragedies on "the devil" in both cases i HAVE had a choice to make in these things, and in many cases, I fell flat on my face. . .but in others, i pulled myself thru by my own strength of will. . .read the post on "Grace" for more on this idea.

Regardless, I DO think that there is something bigger and stronger than me, and that for the most part, that "higher power" is good and benevolent. . .but i DO think that there is evil in the world. . .even to the point where I will say "unearthly" evil. My hesitation is to try to rely too much on theological ideologies to define that, as those ideologies are, almost without fail, permeated with the agendas of the theoligians, which I am not always convinced are the most benign.

BTW. . .if you are indeed an old college acquaintance, reveal your self. . .either on the this board, or via email, it sounds as if you ARE honestly desiring a dialogue, which, to this point, has been very stimulating.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Thomas J.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharing my identity would only complicate matters when discussing our faiths. I am in fact from your college days at FHU, otherwise how would I know to call you "Tommy Thunderfingers?" If you don't believe that, feel free to ask me a question about our times at FHU. I'd like for you to hear me out without taking into account what club I was in, or what my major was.

Your turn from the church doesn't surprise me, in fact it is shocking to me that it took this long. That is neither good or bad in my estimation, as I agree that life is a process and a journey.

Just be careful not to rely too much on yourself because in spite of your personal power to choose, there is something much bigger out there, and good and evil are equally represented.

I know at one time you fully embraced Christ. Do you still believe in Him and the sacrifice of love that was made on the cross?

How much (if any) of your change of faith was a result of the pain of "the good church girl" gone bad that you married? How much of it has to do with your experience with the churches in Henderson and the rigidity that was taught at FHU?

I know for me personally, pain has tried to pull me away from the loving arms of God more than once. I had to come to realize that it was SATAN that caused that pain; it wasnt a random act. Satan wants nothing more than for you to walk away from our creator. As best as I can remember, you are too smart for that.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

Masked man,

The story of my "Fall from Grace" (and I use the phrase VERY tounge in cheek) is detailed here: http://www.thomasjwilson.com/misadventuresinreligion.html

you are more than welcome to peruse that. . .

No, you misunderstand me. . .i VERY much beleive in "God" and i believe that He/She/It/They is/are guiding me and working on my life on a daily basis. . .likewise, I believe that Christ, either literally and historically OR metaphorically and mythologically is a VERY accurate representation of the nature of God. . .I just am not at a point where I accept the Bible as God's infallible word, and especially am hesitant to ascribe to a rigid interpretation of any of it. . .

Since you knew me in college, you know that I was ALWAYS one to question, though i think i honestly did so with the best of intentions. . .what I have found is that asking questions rarely provides answers. . .only more questions. . .i DO believe that God has extended grace onto my journey, and that the seeking is really what we, as people, are supposed to be doing.

As far as making judgements based on your club or major in College, have no fear. . .i have realized that the world is FAR bigger than what we EVER thought it was at FHU and that the stereotypes that we tried to fit into once upon a time do not hold.

regardless, if you were a friend, it is good to hear from you, even anonymously, if you were an "enemy", then I extend my apologies for any ways that I hurt you once upon a time.

Welcome to my little corner of the net...hope you stick around!

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that you have a belief system in place still. Whether God is a he, she or it really doesnt matter. As long as you are still searching, there is hope in my estimation.

The thing that stands out about all of this is that is seems like you let other people's sin/mistakes lead you away. We all sin and fall short- sorry for quoting Scripture if that is offensive to you. FHU messed a lot of people up, and in many ways pushed people further and further away from God, even though they claimed to bring us closer. The judgemental God that they preach is one that is easy for us to walk away from. But is that the God of the Bible? I think not. You happened to make a bad choice in a wife and got hurt...since she claimed to be Christian, will you forever associate her with the term Christianity. If so, then it is no wonder your faith changed so drastically.

Build your faith on your belief, and on your understanding of Scripture...but please...don't walk away because of others. You say that you DO believe...what are you teaching your children? Are you worshipping? Breaking Bread with brothers and sisters? Serving? Leading Others to Christ? Praying alone and as a family? Studying the Word?

Perhaps I am falling back into the FHU mentality... but what good is faith if it is not shared and grown?

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS... I'd be interested to know if she associates Christianity with you. You were such a strong Christian back then. I remember a devo you gave even now. I wonder if she has left the church of Christ as well.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

I have to say that I DO appreciate the time that you have spent on this today. . .i think that tels alot about your character that shines through everything being said. . .

What am I teaching my children? Responsibility, Love, kindness, the importance of working with your hands, your head, and your heart. . .

Do we study the scriptures and pray in Jesus name (or even formally for that matter)? No, not at all. . .for we are not convinced of that particular view of God. . .we do, however, remain focused on the spiritual, and God, he nature of the Divine, ways that we see Him, and how we relate and commune with Him are all parts of our daily life (as should be obvious by songs like "The Spirit Tree", "Believe" and "More than what we See".

Just becasue I have rejected the formalized stereotypical trappings of Christianity and organized religion does not mean that we are unable to experience spirituality in our lives and our home. . .in fact, it seems more genuine to me (no judgement of you or others intended. . .let me amend by saying that I FEEL as if I am being more genuine)

The differences in our beliefs are not of note to me. . .i do not think that there is anything wrong with a person who still maintains faith in the bible and Christianity. . .t is simply a different way of looking at the same thing, in my opinion. Likewise, I still maintain good relationships with a number of FHU alumni, and it has, I believe, been a mutually beneficial expereince.

you, my friend, are appreciated as a fellow seeker!

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been good talking with you. I do have to wrap it up for today though. Do you mind if I pass your blogspot address to others from FHU?

I really would like to know if your ex is still part of the church. Do you know, or know how I can find out? I never percieved her as the "good church girl" that you named her as... although we were "friends" and I think about her from time to time. I always thought that you should have married Christie S. (now H.), but obviously that didnt happen. Boy this conversation is going down hill quickly! Maybe I am letting curiosity get the best of me.

I will try to check back when I can. I am up for a busy weekend.

I hope your wife doesnt go into labor this weekend!

Take care.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

Thanks so much. . .yes, my ex is very active in the c of C and is remarried. . .she is the church secretary at her local congregation. My bekah celebrated her year anniversary of being baptised last month. . .I of course, have learned all of this from my own research, as she provides me with NO information regarding Bekah at all, and I only hear from her about once or twice a year. . .when she contacts me to lambast me about one thing or another.

Thanks so much for all of your good thoughts. . .I appreciate you taking the time for us to discuss. Please feel free to pass this along to whomever you wish, but be warned, that abusive posts will certainly be deleted, and polite posts may be addressed with my characteristic "honesty". . .LOL

Thanks again for your time. . .you are always welcome. . .take off the mask when you feel comfortable!

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I said I was out for the weekend, but I have been reminded that not everyone works on my time schedule. As if I had forgotten!

I find the info about your ex very surprising. What church would have someone as part of the ministry team who is that messed up? Maybe she has changed?

It is sad that you had to find out about the baptism by your own research. I didn't realize you could google that kind of stuff. But it is good news that she has committed to Christ. Do you talk with her at all? I don't remember too much about her other than she had beautiful eyes and long blondish hair- which was shocking and that she was crazy smart!

Are they still in TN in the rigidity?

4:38 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

I have to be honest with you, I feel uncomfortable saying too much bad about anybody at this point. . .in fact, I have been seriously toying with the idea of DRASTICALLY changing my comments regarding my page for Bekah.

I can pass more specific informaton to you, but not in this public forum.

I have not talked with Bekah since July of 2003.

Once you feel comfortable to talk in a different setting (via eamil, etc) I will go into more detail. . .lke I say, in THIS kind of public setting, I do OT want to overextend my sources.

Look forward to hearing back from you! Hope you have a great weekend.

5:18 PM  

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