Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Things that I never thought I would say.

I have to say, that one of the biggest suprises for me as a parent, was that I find myself, on a daily basis, saying things that i NEVER in a million years dreamt that I would EVER say. I mean, we are talking about things that I just NEVER expected would come out of my mouth. I am not talking about things that go against my moral and ethical boundaries. . .i am simply talking about things that i never LOGICALLY thought that I would say. Let me give you some examples:

"Possum, get that shark out of your mouth!"

"Olivia, WHY are you wearing your brother's underwear on your head?"

"Drew, exactly how many times HAVE you used the bathroom up here since you had toilet paper in your bathroom?"

"Olivia, stop it, you are not scared of anything. . .now here, snuggle up with your dragon"

"Possum, please don't stand in the toilet"

"Olivia, why are you thumping your baby doll on the head?"

"Possum, fruit snacks do not go in your nose"

These are just a few examples, and are by NO means exhaustive. . .of course you need to keep in mind that my children are EXCEPTIONALLY quirky and odd (they get it from their MOTHER of course), but i am sure that this is simply characteristic of the bizzare nature of children themselves. Bill Cosby said it best, "Children are brain damaged!"

I am not complaining, mind you. . .just musing. . .they are, by far, the most amusing and entertaining people i have ever met!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am literally crying I am laughing so hard!

4:11 PM  
Blogger Thomas J. said...

Welcome to my world. . .i am on the verge of needing "Depends" just from hanging around with these people.

5:17 PM  

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